8th District RAM Convention

8th R.A.M. District Convention

Walter McCannon, Jr - Secretary

63 Browns Chapel Rd.  Lexington, GA 30648

(706) 424-3783

April 4, 2024

TO: The M.E. Grand High Priest and Grand Officers of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Georgia;

The M.I. Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Georgia;

The R. E. Grand Commander and the V.E. Deputy Grand Commander

Dear Companion:

Excellent Companion Jeffery Scott Ozburn, District High Priest invites you to attend the 73th Annual Convocation of the 8th District Royal Arch Convention Monday evening, June 3, 2024, in Golden Fleece Lodge No. 6, Free and Accepted Masons, 1104 Clarke St., Covington, Georgia. Covington Chapter #71 will be the host Chapter for the Convention.  Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the Table/Chapter will convene at 7:00 p.m.

Excellent Companion Jeff Ozburn, High Priest of the Convention, and the District Officers has planned an interesting and informative program.

This meeting is going to be a Table/Chapter meeting with a good meal during the meeting. The Cost of the meal is $15.00. Excellent Companion Jeff Ozburn requests that all Companion attending to R.S.V.P Companion Walter McCannon at walter44th@windstream.net   with name and title, so that the seating will have a correct place for you.

We look forward to seeing you there.

With best wishes and highest personal regards, I am

Fraternally yours,

Walter McCannon, Jr


Jeffery Ozburn